
Risultati per "proteste"



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  • Scontri a Madrid 25 settembre 2012

    Crónica de como se desarrolló el "rodea el congreso" el 25S entre las 19h y las 00h aproximadamante.Está montado cronológico de forma sencilla. Capta el momento en el que comienza la carga así como su final en la estación de atocha

    HashTag: spagna, riots, spain, manifestanti, proteste, spagna, crisi, economica, polizia, carica

    4276 giorni fa

  • Il Film su Maometto che ha fatto scoppiare le proteste in Libia - Innocence of Muslims

    Innocence of Muslims is the Muhammad Movie by Sam Bacile that caused Muslims to kill United States ambassador, J Christopher Stevens. The anti Islam video claims Islam is a lie and Mohammed was a pedophile. Reviews of the Muhammad Film have ranged from "Disgusting" to "the riot laugh of the summe...

    HashTag: innocence, muslims, maometto, film, trailer, proteste, libia, satira, mussulmani, riots

    4285 giorni fa
