
Truffe e frodi online: phishing, spam, scam, segnalazioni | 2017 |

Nuove truffe frodi online e/o Email sospette e fraudolente per questo primo semestre del 2017

Iniziano le segnalazioni, per SPAM, SCAM e tentativi di rubare la vostra carta di credito con puntualità quasi certosina.
In questo discussione segnaleremo TRUFFE, e FRODI online, ma anche SPAM e mail sospette (phishing) che riceviamo quotidianamente.


truffe e frodi online

Siete invitati a segnalare qualsiasi spyware, malware, o anomalia ricevuta per posta, non siate TIMIDI


  • Gustavo 2820 giorni fa

    Una mail che ricevo in questi giorni con una certa frequenza

    Caro utente,

    Io sono HR manager di una grande compagnia internazionale.
    La nostra azienda è alla ricerca di collaboratori intraprendenti.
    Il stipendio possibile da 2500 a 5000 euro al mese.

    Se Le interessa nostra offerta - si prega di visitare il Nostro Sito

    Con i migliori saluti,
    HR Manager
    Ufficio Internazionale

  • Giovanni Piccoli 2815 giorni fa

    Occhio se vi arriva una mail  - da un certo Paolo Colombo - non rispondere e assolutamente non chiamare !

    Chiamami! +397389264776

  • Giovanni Piccoli 2798 giorni fa

    Segnalo la solita mail TRUFFA in cui siete stati scelti per una donazione


    You have been picked for a donation from Warren Buffett Foundation for more details contact Warren Buffett Foundation via email:
    (wbuffett6 [at ]

  • Giovanni Piccoli 2797 giorni fa

    Ennesima TRUFFA


    siamo, legittimo e affidabile prestito mutuante Da Aktif
    servizio finanziario. Offriamo prestiti su un modo chiaro e comprensibile
    e le condizioni al tasso di interesse del 3%. A partire da $ 5,000.00 a $ 450,000,000.00
    USD, Euro e sterline solo. Ci offrono prestiti commerciali, prestiti personali,
    Prestiti agli studenti, prestiti auto e prestiti per pagare le bollette,
    BG / SBLC a tassi bassi anche disponibile, contattaci subito.

  • pippo potamo 2790 giorni fa

    Mail insidiosa ricevuta stamattina, la solita truffa dell'eredità

    Dear Friend,

    Greeting to you and your family, i apologize if the content here under are contrary to your
    moral ethics but please treat with absolute secrecy and personal.

    My name is Engr. Bruno George from Damascus Syria. I am now 64 years Old, and i am now
    a retired government official I was former personal investor & financial consultant advisers to
    some Top Politician in Syria, also an oil Tycoon from Syria and Saudi Arabia. Al Furat Petroleum
    Company (AFPC) the leader in the region in Reservoir Management AFPC was established under
    Service Contract no. 210 ratified by Law no. 43 of 1977 and named as per decree-law no. 12 in 1985.
    AFPC is a joint venture company between the General Petroleum Corporation (50%) and private
    shareholders Syria Shell Petroleum Development (SSPD) etc

    I have plan to relocate my investment planning to your beautiful country, out of Syria, Now that Syria
    security and our Economic independent has been lost to the greatest lower level, and our culture has been
    lost forever and our happiness has been taking away from us, i will like to relocate my family out from Syria,
    here in my country there is fire on the mountain, i need a foreign partner to enable me transport my
    investment capital and then relocate with my family, honestly, i wish you and i will discuss more and
    get along, i need a partner because i don't have any bank account outside Syria.

    Am interested in buying properties houses, Building real estate and some tourist places, my capital for investment
    is US$18,000,000.00, million, I will appreciate your idea and knowledge regarding this or any other profitable
    investment you may suggest, on my next email i will explain to you the full details of this investment Proposal.

    I shall tell you more about myself and my family on my next email, upon your respond, you may as well tell me
    little more about yourself. i'm waiting for your good responds.

    Waiting for your reply
    Thanks and best regards,
    Engr. Bruno George,

  • Gustavo 2789 giorni fa

    Ennesima Truffa in mail, in stile eredità / nigeriani - ecco il testo


    Caro beneficiario,
         SEI STATO scelto per una donazione Warren Buffett Charitable Foundation

     Il mio nome è Howard G. Buffett, un filantropo il CEO e Presidente della Fondazione di beneficenza di Howard G. Buffett Foundation, una delle più grandi fondazioni private in tutto il mondo. Credo fermamente nel 'dare vivendo' ho avuto un'idea che non è mai cambiato nella mia mente - che si dovrebbe usare la tua ricchezza per aiutare le persone e ho deciso di dare segretamente {$ 1.500.000,00} Un milione e cinquecentomila Stati Dollari, a individui selezionati in tutto il mondo, le persone che hanno fatto un grande effetto sulla società per mezzo di condotta. Al ricevimento di questa e-mail, si dovrebbe contare se stessi come l'individuo fortunato. Lei è stato scelto dopo l'esecuzione di un controllo completo su di voi, mostrando che hai effettivamente fatto un grande effetto nella vostra società. e quindi adatto ad essere un beneficiario.

    Si prega di tornare a me via e-mail al più presto, in modo da so che il tuo indirizzo e-mail è valido. Email me attraverso la mia e-mail lovisintheair609 [at]

    Visita la pagina web per sapere di più su di me: https://

    Si prega di rispondere con la risposta, non appena si è in grado così che possiamo cominciare a prendere accordi su come inviare i documenti beneficiari e anche il modo di depositare i fondi a voi. Vi incoraggio a contattarmi per qualsiasi domanda o dubbio.

    Cordiali saluti,

    Dr. Howard G. Buffett
    Warren Buffett Charitable Foundation

  • Raul Bove 2780 giorni fa

    Ennesima Mail Truffa - ecco il testo:


    I am an investor looking to invest in entrepreneurial teams with big ideas and a need for seed capital to turn their ideas into great companies.

    I believe every business man is basically an entrepreneur, for we all strive to achieve optimal goals using limited resources. In seeking out worthwhile investment opportunities, We are always on the look out for ventures whose principals exhibit a high level of creativity combined with the right amount of experience in the chosen field.

    Gerald Coleman

  • Giovanni Piccoli 2770 giorni fa

    Ennesima mail con la truffa NIGERIANA dell'eredità - ecco il testo



    I am Mrs.Fatimah Abdul Ali Personal assistance to, Syria Deputy oil minister to President Bashar al-Assad.

    I have duly resigned my position because I did not support the regime of the President which has continually brutalized and killed innocent people and for that reason, i am under house arrest and held by the government for not supporting their bad activities. I am at the moment very depressed as i write to you. I got your mail from search engine and i really think you can be of help to me.

    I am seeking your assistance to secure the custody of large sum of united state currency to your country or any safe country as far as I can be assured that it will be safe in your care until I found my way out from here.

    I will await your response before i further open up my reasons for contacting you.


  • Gustavo 2768 giorni fa

    ATTENTI a questa Email, è una tentativo di Phishing

    Ci risulta un errore nei suoi servizi online

    Verifica adesso

  • Gustavo 2750 giorni fa

    SPAM quotidiano :

    One of my friends at Goldman told me to buy QSMG this morning.

    He is an expert at this stuff and has never let me down before. After researching the company, it seems that he may be right.

    I am going to buy 5,000 shares now because it's all I can afford, but you should buy as little or as many as you possibly can...

    Their biotech arm, Stemvax has developed a cure for cancer and just completed successful human trials under the FDA's supervision.

    The stock has jumped 3X already since last week and is guaranteed to go to at least 20 dollars this month based on his research.

    Once QSMG's official announcements for the cure become public, there's no saying how high their share price will go.

    I expect some very serious stuff to be announced in the coming 2 weeks. Act quickly so you don't miss out.

  • Gustavo 2749 giorni fa

    Nuova mail truffa - ecco il testo:

     This is a super rare opportunity that may never come again. This biotech company has finally found a cure for cancer after more than 20 years of stem cells and immunotherapy research.

    They had very positive trials both on animals and humans (according to my sources) where tumors got killed at a rate of 41%

    Their medicine is going to change the world once it gets rolled out in a few months. We are awaiting an official announcement form the company in the next couple of weeks, but it seems I am not the only one in the know because their stock has quadrupled since last week.

    QSMG is guaranteed to hit 25 bucks a share overnight once they release their announcement to the public. You really need to think about buying shares right now before it shoots up higher.

  • Giulia Freddi 2742 giorni fa

    Mail Truffa - ATTENZIONE !

    From the Desk of:
    Mr. James West Ali

    I wish to seek your assistance for the transfer of US$40M depository made by a foreign investor for an investment programme that has remained dormant for years now. I discovered that the account holder died without making a WILL on the depository. and upon my further curious investigation, the deceased was a member of a government agency where huge amounts were reportedly missing.

    This money cannot be approved to a local bank account holder, but can only be approved to a foreigner. If you will stand as next of kin to the fund, it will be shared 50%/50%, as this is a TWO-men business deal transaction.
    I shall provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction. I need your assistance and co-operation to this reality as I have done my Home-work and fine tune the best way to create you as the beneficiary of the fund. My position as the branch manager of the bank will be used to advance this deal.

    I will like you to provide immediately your full Names and Address, Date of Birth, Occupation, Tel & Fax Numbers so that an Attorney will be able to prepare the necessary documents and affidavit which will put you in place as the next of kin. The Attorney will draft and carry out the notarization of the WILL and also obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate/administration in your favor for the claim.

    I will appreciate your early reply for commencement of business. Contact me for acknowledgment by E-mail and whereby you are not interested; please indicate in your reply so that I can seek for the assistance of someone else.

    If this proposal is acceptable by you, I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I will bestow upon you. I await your urgent response. Do reply me thru this e-mail
    I await your urgent response.

    Thanks with great regards.

    Mr. James West Ali

    ------------------------------ ------------
    Disclaimer: This message transmitted with it are confidential and privileged. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copy or disclosure of this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

  • lilian 2742 giorni fa

    Oggi ho ricevuto questa mail con un zip allegato : fate attenzione       NON APRITELA :

    Direzione Centrale <>
    Notifica in merito a indebitamento. Ordinanza №69119495IT

    Egregio cоntribuеntе,
    Ci аffrettiаmo a comunicare che per il 4o trimestrе 2016 Lei ha indebitamento 
    сon dipаrtimеnto fiscale. In сaso di mеncаtа estinzione di debito еntro 
    un trimestre dopo il ricеvimento di comunicazione sarеmo autorizzati а deferire 
    le cаusа al precettare е compilare la cаusа di riscossione dеi fondi dаl Suo
    conto bancario. Il numero del Suo atto №69119495IT allegato nella comunicazione.

    Тelefono: 0575917403
    Fax: 0650762587

    Orario: da lunedi а venеrdi dallе 9:30 allе 13:45; martеdi e giovеdi anche dallе 14:15 allе 16:45
    Compеtenza territorialе: Bibbona, Capraia Isola, Castagneto Carducci, Cecina, Collesalvetti, Livorno, Rosignano Marittimo, Sassetta.

  • Giovanni Piccoli 2741 giorni fa


     Ciao, sono Marie Wanda, consulente finanziario, fondatore e direttore di MASTER CAPITAL SOLUTION LLC.

    Siamo una societа di investimenti fondata in Paesi Bassi, investiamo in piccole, medie e grandi imprese e forniamo anche prestiti ad individui ad un tasso d'interesse del 3% annuo.    

    Contattaci e potremmo essere interessati a investire oa finanziare il tuo progetto. Vorremmo saperne di piщ sul tuo progetto per consentirci di presentare le migliori condizioni idonee.

    Per maggiori dettagli contattaci su mastercapitalbiz [at] con il tuo nome e numero di telefono.


  • avatar 2741 giorni fa

    POSTEPAY SOSPESA:     fate attenzione       NON APRITELA


    Egregio Cliente di Poste Italiane,

    La tua carta rilasciata da Poste Italiane e' stata limitata visto che non abbiamo ricevuto nessuna risposta alla nostra richiesta di verificare il tuo profilo online.

    Per risolvere subito questo problema e per riabilitare l'uso della tua carta, ti preghiamo di effettuare subito l'aggiornamento dei dati online, altrimenti, la tua carta verrà bloccata temporaneamente per accertamenti fiscali.

    La verifica del tuo profilo può essere effettuata cliccando sul link sottostante:


    Si prega di effettuare il login dalla parte centrale della pagina e compilare correttamente tutti i campi indicati nelle pagine di verifica.

    Dopo aver eseguito questa richiesta, la tua carta verrà riattivata in automatico.

    Grazie per la comprensione e ci scusiamo per eventuali disagi, Poste Italiane 2017

  • Gustavo 2733 giorni fa

    Solita Mail truffa - NON rispondere


    Dearest one in the lord,
    How are you and members of your family doing?
    I am Mrs. Marilyn Wilson an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Cancer of the lungs), I was married to Mr.Robert Wilson from Toronto Canada who worked with Canadian Embassy here in Cote d’Ivoire for nine years before he died in the year 2011. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband's account. Before his death we were both happy born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $4.5 Million in a bank and recently, my DOCTOR told me that I would not last for the next Eight months due to cancer problem. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a Orphanage or good Christian that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want a Church organization or good person that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is maintained. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not good Christians not even good at all because they are the one that killed my husband in other to have all my late husband properties and I don't want my husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers. I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way.Having known my condition I decided to donate I and my late husband's fund to an individual or charity organization that has a good heart and can sincerely use the fund for the up keeping of the less privileged. Please if you would be able to use these funds for the Lord's work kindly reply me as soon as possible for more detail.

    Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein and ensure no one else knows about this fund. Also remember that am giving you all this based on trust and again I will want you to stick to your words.
    Thanks and Remain Blesssed.
    Mrs. Marilyn Wilson.

  • Raul Bove 2730 giorni fa


    Given the current political climate, there are very few certain things in this world.

    I can tell you first hand that I've had a hard time profiting in the market since Trump's administration came in a few months ago.

    So I've looked long and hard for opportunities to leverage this unusual situation we find ourselves in here in America, and I have found the way.

    Special circumstances call for special measures, and a friend of mine reached out to me over the weekend telling me that there's a small company on the verge of being bought out by a top 500 firm.

    The price at which this will happen? 21 bucks a share from a current paltry 60 cents.

    This means that every ten thousand of stock you buy, you'll make around 350k when the announcement comes out to the public in a few days.

    Why am I telling you this? I want like-minded people to benefit as well and I'm tired of all the big shots making the big bucks.

    Take it the way you will, but watch symbol : Quick Sure Mary Garage (use the first letters of each word to make up your 4 letter symbol which you'll use to buy the stock)

    One way or another, whether you get in or not, this buy out is going to happen and people are going to make 35x on their principle.

    Why not get a piece of the action?

    Best Wishes,
    Vivian Hill

  • Gustavo 2728 giorni fa

    MAIL TRUFFA - la classica truffa della ragazza russa sola e bellissima


    Ciao. Vi prego di prestare attenzione a me. Il mio nome e Valentyna. Io vivo in Ucraina, nella citta di Donetsk. Ho 35 anni. Sono una donna amorevole allegra e divertente, sono socievole e amichevole. Penso di essere istruiti e intelligente. Penso di avere una specie di cuore, io sono aperta, onesta e sincera. Io sono attiva ed energica. Mi piace lo sport, vado a dare forma, Mi piace cucinare. Mi piace viaggiare, incontrare nuove persone e vedere posti nuovi. Sto cercando un uomo di buon cuore e saggio. Apprezzo un buon senso dell'umorismo e mi piacciono gli uomini che possono essere grave, nonche godere di divertirsi. Ho bisogno di un uomo per bene e affidabile vicino a me. Mi auguro che il mio profilo attirera la vostra attenzione e sara necessario il desiderio di arrivare a conoscermi meglio! Fare questo passo e io faro il prossimo! se siete interessati, potete scrivere una lettera al mio indirizzo e-mail: Valentyna.



  • Luana Mattia 2718 giorni fa

    HO ricevuto questa email truffa al limite del ridicolo - NON RISPONDETE

    My Dearest One,
    This is Miss Olivia Borrego from Trinidad &Tobago. I am writing from the hospital in Ivory Coast, therefore this mail is very urgent. I want you to know that I'm dying in the hospital which I don't know if i will see few days more. I was told by my doctor that I was poisoned and has got my liver damaged and can only live for some months.
    The reason why i contacted you today is because i know that my step mother wanted to kill me and take my inheritance from my late Father. I have a little adopted child named Jonathan Walter that i adopted in this Country when my late Father was alive and $4.5 million Dollars i inherited from my late father. My step mother and her children are after Walter right now because they found out that Walter was aware of the poison, and because i handed the documents of the fund over to him the day my step mother poisoned my food, for that reason they do not want Walter to expose them, so they are doing everything possible to kill him.

    I want you to help him out of this country with the money, he is the only one taking good care of me here in this hospital right now and even this email you are reading now, he is the one helping me out.

    I want you to contact Walter with this information below:
    Name: Jonathan Walter.
    Address: Rue De La Princess L /G 152 Cocody
    Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.

    He will give you the documents of the money and will direct you to a well known lawyer that I have appointed to him, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the money to your name to enable the bank transfer the money to you.

    This is the favor I need when you have gotten the money :-

    (1) Give 20% of the money to Jonathan Walter as he has been there for me through my illness and I have promised to support him in life. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as your son.

    (2) Give 30% of the money to handicap people and charity organization, then the remaining one is yours.
    Note; This should be a code between you and Walter in this transaction "Hospital" any mail from him, the barrister he will direct you to, without this code "Hospital" is not from the barrister, Walter, the bank or myself as I don't know what will happen to me in the next few days.

    (3) The lawyer's name is Bar Rufus Allen . And Let Walter send you his International passport to be sure of whom you are dealing with. Walter is so little therefore guide him.

    And if I don't hear from you, I will look for another person or an organization.

    Please do not forget to contact Jonathan Walter
    May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish.
    Pray for me always.
    Ms Olivia Borrego

  • Gustavo 2656 giorni fa

    Ennesima mail truffa non - cancellatela


    Buona giornata,

    Sono il Direttore Esecutivo presso la Banca industriale e commerciale della Cina (ICBC). Ho una proposta di affari reciproca, che si riferisce al trasferimento di una grande quantità di denaro ad un conto estero, con il tuo aiuto come partner straniero come beneficiario dei fondi. Tutto ciò su questa transazione sarà fatto legalmente senza alcun ponte di autorità finanziaria sia nel mio Paese che nel tuo paese. Se sei interessato, ti preghiamo di rispondere nuovamente attraverso la mia email privata scritta qui sotto e ti darò ulteriori informazioni e il progetto non appena riceverò la tua risposta positiva.

    Privato e-mail: director [at]

    I migliori saluti,

    Direttore esecutivo.

    ICBC .China

  • Gustavo 2636 giorni fa

    Ennesima truffa che promette di guadagnare con improbabili eredità. La cosiddetta Truffa NIgeriana - non credeteci

    I am a woman of 68 years of age and my country of origin is Bahrain but i live in the Ivory Coast (West Africa) during 30 years, meanwhile, is that this proposal will definitely come to you as a big surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through my messages carefully, as the decision will go a long way to determine my desires.
    I am married with no children and we have never adopted any child until my husband died in a car accident while my late husband is engaged in the export of cocoa beans from the Ivory Coast to any part of Europe. Now I am suffering from cancer and after much treatment no improvement and damages are much that I have only 10% of surviving any cancer operation and my recent medical result shows that i can only live on this earth for just few months.
    Meanwhile I inherited USD $3.5million and the fund is currently in the vault of the Bank and that is why i got in contact with you. To use this fund in your country to run a charity project that will bears my name (NAHEEN CHARITY HOME) I decided to do it because it is the desire of my late husband to help the less privileged, orphanages, widows before he dead.
    I found your Internet e-mail and i have done the prayers to Almighty God before getting in touch with you. If you can be willing and interested to handle these trust funds in good faith kindly respond immediately.
    Greetings from
    Mrs. Naheen

  • Gustavo 2593 giorni fa

    Attenti a questa truffa: NON rispondete


    Gentile ,

    Abbiamo notato dell'attività insolita nella sua carta di credito.

    Il suo accesso al portale cane titolari e stato temporaneamente bloccato per la sua tutela.

    Si prega di confermare la propria identità attraverso il nostro collegamento sicuro.


    Accedi a collegamento sicuro>

  • Gustavo 2305 giorni fa

    Ho ricevuto una stranissima email che di certo è SPAM - state attenti :


    Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto.
    In attesa di tue notizie .